Thursday, March 11, 2010

Wolf Mountain in March...can anyone spot the mud?

Skiing at Wolf Mountain this year has been a fun family adventure. Okay, so maybe "fun" isn't always accurate, but mostly, it's been a good time! I had to laugh when Henry peed his pants sitting on the lift one afternoon...sound familiar Garrett? This particular day was one of those beautiful spring skiing bluebird type of days. Notice that nobody is wearing a coat!

Best wreck of the day!
Doesn't get much sweeter than this!

Sunday, March 07, 2010

Canyonlands...The White Rim

Our trip to the white rim in Canyonlands National Park was an awesome adventure for the Ashtons. Believe it or not, it was the first time we've taken the kids camping beyond our own backyard. And, crazily enough, we chose to do it on a night with below freezing temperatures!!! We survived, and had a most excellent time! Just below, Ellie and I are waving...we love it here!
Ellie in front of Corona arch
Love that boy! Matt and Anniekate hiking through Canyonlands
AnnieKate singing in the truck!
You can do it Ellie!
Biking on top of the world!
Doth my eyes deceive me...
Puddle jumping

Go Henry!

Just one more hill to go!

Amazing family trip